short keys & excel history

                     Advanced Excel

E‐Mail part of an Excel file across the Internet  Excel provides the ability to e‐mail a single  worksheet within a workbook as an e‐mail. This feature is found in the “File, Send To” menu of  excel 2003 and earlier, and is a non‐ribbon tool which you must add to the Quick Access Tool  bar in Excel 2007 and later. Here’s what the tool looks like in all editions of Excel

E‐Mail the entire Excel file across the Internet ‐ Of course this same tool mentioned above can  be used to e‐mail the entire Excel file as well. The difference is that with this option, the Excel  workbook arrives at the recipient as a complete standalone excel file which the recipient can  open. When a worksheet is sent in this manner, it arrives as a table in the body of the e‐mail –  there are no formulas, just numbers.

                                Microsoft Excel History   

Microsoft began selling a spreadsheet application called Multiplan in 1982 for CP/M systems  like the Osboune computer. However, on the MS‐DOS platform Lotus 1‐2‐3 was the market  leader.  Microsoft  released  Excel  for  the  Mac  in  1985,  and  Excel  for  Windows  version  in  November, 1987. Lotus was slow to release a Windows version of 1‐2‐3 and by 1988 Excel was  outselling  1‐2‐3.  Later  IBM  purchased  Lotus  Development  Corporation  and  is  typical  with  software owned by IBM, the product’s presence diminished in the marketplace. Officially the  current version for the Windows platform is Excel 12, also called Microsoft Office Excel 2007.  The current version for the Mac OS X platform is Microsoft Excel 2008

                             Microsoft Excel 2.1 included a runtime version of Windows 2.1 

A Few Comments about Excel:    

1. Trademark Dispute  In 1993, another company that was already selling a software  package named "Excel" in the finance industry Excel became filed a trademark lawsuit.  Eventually, this forced Microsoft to refer to the program as "Microsoft Excel". Later  Microsoft purchased the trademark rights.

2. Formatting ‐ Excel was the first electronic spreadsheet that allowed the user to define  the appearance of spreadsheets (fonts, character attributes and cell appearance).  

 3. Recomputation   It  also  introduced  intelligent  cell  recomputation,  where  only cells  dependent on the cell being modified are updated (previous spreadsheet programs  recomputed everything all the time or waited for a specific user command).  

4. VBA ‐ Since 1993, Excel has included Visual Basic for Applications (VBA), a programming  language based on Visual Basic which adds the ability to automate tasks in Excel and to  provide user defined functions (UDF) for use in worksheets. VBA allows the creation of  forms and in‐worksheet controls to communicate with the user. The language supports  use (but not creation) of ActiveX (COM) DLL's; later versions add support for class  modules allowing the use of basic object‐oriented programming techniques.

File Formats ‐ Until 2007 Microsoft Excel used a proprietary binary file format called Binary  Interchange File Format (BIFF) as its primary format. Excel 2007 uses Office Open XML as its  primary file format, an XML‐based format that followed after a previous XML‐based format  called "XML Spreadsheet" ("XMLSS"), first introduced in Excel 2002. The latter format is not  able to encode VBA macros. Although supporting and encouraging the use of new XML‐based  formats  as  replacements,  Excel  2007  remained  backwards‐compatible  with  the  traditional,  binary formats. In addition, most versions of Microsoft Excel can read CSV, DBF, SYLK, DIF, and  other legacy formats. Support for some older file formats were removed in Excel 2007. The file  formats were mainly from DOS based programs.

5. Binary  ‐ Microsoft  made  the  specification  of  the  Excel  binary  format  specification  available on request, but since February 2008 programmers can freely download the  .XLS format specification and implement it under the Open Specification Promise patent  licensing.[

Standard file‐extensions: 


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